Ilmakuva Helsingin Lauttasaaresta auringonlaskun aikaan, etualalla venesatama täynnä veneitä, taustalla asuinalue ja kaupungin siluetti

Towards a more efficient and healthier Western Uusimaa in the 2025 county elections

The private sector is part of comprehensive healthcare and social services

The private sector is an essential part of functional and cost-effective social and healthcare services. Through cooperation between public and private sectors, we can guarantee quality services for all residents while keeping cost increases in check. Private operators bring innovations, flexibility, and specialized expertise that complement public services. The goal should be to avoid excluding the private sector from service provision on ideological grounds, as left-wing parties have attempted to do. In comprehensive and well-managed healthcare and social services:

  • Implement service vouchers on the broadest possible scale as a means for clients to choose the healthcare and social services they consider best.
  • Develop current monitoring systems to be more uniform and efficient to ensure service quality regardless of provider.
  • Maintain Kela reimbursements.
  • Support opportunities for SMEs to participate in providing healthcare and social services.
  • Ensure transparency and fairness in competitive bidding processes. Western Uusimaa should not circumvent procurement law through so-called In-house procurement, but rather tender all its procurements in accordance with the spirit of procurement law.
Martti Paldanius, nuori kokoomusnuori sinisessä puvussa nojaa kaiteeseen modernin toimistorakennuksen edustalla, taustalla näkyy vaikuttava arkkitehtuuri

Strength Through Increased Efficiency in Challenging Times

As population aging places increasing pressure on social and healthcare services, it is anticipated that Western Uusimaa will continue to face limited resources in the future, even as the costs of maintaining current services rise. County decision-makers face the challenging task of delivering all the services mandated to wellbeing services counties as comprehensively and fairly as possible within the budget allocations provided by the Ministry of Finance.

The situation, however, is not entirely hopeless. Western Uusimaa has a toolbox of solutions to ensure the sustainability of high-quality services in the future. To secure social and healthcare services for the years ahead, I propose the following measures:

  • Increase the size of service units to achieve more services per tax euro.
  • Expand the use of outsourcing across all wellbeing county services, as healthy and carefully regulated market-based competition is the best way to ensure cost-effective and high-quality services.
  • Adopt all innovations and new technologies boldly in service delivery. This is essential to alleviate the financial pressures caused by an aging population.

More Care, Less Administration

We must focus on what matters most: the well-being of people and high-quality social and healthcare services. The wellbeing services county reform was a tragic example of funds being funneled into new bureaucracy and administrative layers instead of core social and healthcare services. Excessive administration diverts resources that could be used directly for caregiving and addressing customer needs. The entire purpose of the reform was to achieve savings by curbing the growth of social and healthcare expenditures, but the result was instead a new and unique financial burden.

Now, county decision-makers bear the responsibility of ensuring that the imperfect system works as effectively as possible. A key part of this is reducing unnecessary administration. Simplified administration enables faster access to services and an improved customer experience. Actions to be taken include:

  • Simplifying administrative processes and reducing overlapping reporting.
  • Utilizing artificial intelligence and automation to handle routine tasks in public administration.
  • Developing smoother patient information systems that support caregiving rather than burdening staff.
  • Centralizing administrative support services to increase efficiency.
  • Increasing the authority of frontline managers and streamlining middle management levels.
  • Raising the proportion of professionals engaged in direct patient care compared to administrative roles.
Martti Paldanius, nuori kokoomusnuori hymyilee itsevarmasti sinisessä puvussa puistomaisessa ympäristössä, taustalla näkyy korkea toimistorakennus ja puita

Preventive Measures as the Solution – Mental Health Services at the Core

When diagnosing the challenges of the Western Uusimaa wellbeing services county, including an aging population and the resulting pressures on social and healthcare services, we must also find treatment options for this diagnosis. One key solution is to invest more heavily in preventive measures. A healthy nation benefits us all. At the same time, it is one of the most effective cost-saving strategies in social and healthcare services. A healthy population requires fewer services and remains active for longer.

Mental health services are central to this effort, as mental health issues are a major factor that pushes otherwise fully employable individuals into care queues. This represents a large-scale tragedy that demands solutions. I propose the following actions:

  • Allocate additional resources to mental health work for children and young people, especially in schools and educational institutions.
  • Implement a no-referral model for psychiatric services.
  • Increase comprehensive health screenings for various age groups to identify risk factors early.
  • Develop digital health services that support self-care and early intervention.
  • Utilize digital tools in mental health services, including remote support options.
  • Redirect resources increasingly toward the prevention and early treatment of chronic illnesses.

Things said about Martti

Useiden vuosien yhteistyöstä saadulla kokemuksella voin lämpimästi suositella Marttia! Hän on aktiivinen, asioihin perehtyvä ja intohimoinen päättäjä.

Antti Tuomela, henkilökuva
Antti Tuomela
Kunnanvaltuuston puheenjohtaja, aluevaltuutettu, KTK

Tunnen Martin Kokoomusnuorten toiminnasta jo pidemmältä ajalta ja voin sanoa, että hänessä yhdistyy poliitikolle kaksi erityisen tärkeää piirrettä: Selvät arvot ja kyky saada asioita aikaan. Martti uskaltaa rohkeasti seisoa omien ajatustensa takana.

Mats Uotila, henkilökuva
Mats Uotila
Varusmiesliiton puheenjohtaja

Martti on osoittanut olevansa vastuullinen ja aikaansaava tekijä, joka vie projektit päätökseen huolellisesti ja tavoitteellisesti. Martti pitää kiinni luvatusta ja siksi luotan hänen kykyihin päättäjänä.

Mila Harra

Things said about Martti

Turvallisuus on yksi kunta- ja aluevaalien tärkeimmistä teemoista. Martilla on ollut hyviä avauksia Espoon ja pääkaupunkiseudun turvallisuuden lisäämiseksi.

Atte Kaleva
Kansanedustaja, kapteeni (evp.)

Martti ajattelee pitkälle ja hoitaa asiat tunnollisesti. Hän osaa laaja-alaisesti politiikan eri osa-alueita ja on johdonmukainen arvoissaan.

Binga Tupamäki
Kokoomusnuorten puheenjohtaja, lakimies

Aluevaltuustoon tarvitaan markkinatalousmyönteisiä päättäjiä, jotka haluavat turvata kestävät sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelut tulevaisuuteen. Uskon, että Martilla olisi tähän työhön paljon annettavaa.

Tere Sammallahti