Martti Paldanius, nuori kokoomusnuori sinisessä puvussa hymyilee ulkona, ammattimainen henkilökuva luonnollisessa ympäristössä

Municipal and county elections 2025

Martti Paldanius

Says things straight, gets things done. A candidate for the National Coalition Party in Espoo and Western Uusimaa.

Election Themes


Responsible financial management is a form of caring. I want to ensure sound financial management both now and in the future. When public funds are used responsibly and efficiently, we can keep taxation reasonable while securing quality services.


My goal is to comprehensively promote a healthy society where both physical and mental well-being are in good order. Health begins with individual choices. Decision-makers can help by making the best choices easy and ensuring an effective safety net.


Security is the foundation of society. Safety must be guaranteed both in everyday life and during unforeseen societal crises. As a decision-maker, I want to prioritize social stability and security.

Martti Paldanius, nuori kokoomusnuori sinisessä puvussa hymyilee tiiliseinän edessä, ammattimainen henkilökuva kaupunkiympäristössä

Meet Martti

Hello! I'm Martti Paldanius, a 23-year-old law and business student and entrepreneur from Niittykumpu, Espoo. Alongside my studies, I work in accounting, legal services, and consulting. My hobbies include goal-oriented gym training and reading. I particularly enjoy books about history and society. Writing is also close to my heart; I have published articles in several newspapers, including Länsiväylä and Helsingin Sanomat. I also maintain an active blog on Uusi Suomi.

Like many other Espoo residents, I'm not native to the city. I come from Tampere, from an ordinary working-class family, and I've been incredibly grateful for all the opportunities that Finnish society has offered me. I've been able to educate myself, run a business, and grow. That's why I feel it's important to give back to society. The National Coalition Party is my party because I believe it best promotes freedom, responsibility, and equality of opportunity.

Work and a relationship brought me to Espoo in 2022 – first to Matinkylä and then to Niittykumpu. Living here, I've found that Espoo is an excellent place to live, whether you're young, have a family, or are a senior citizen. While living in Espoo, I've witnessed the city's abundant opportunities and its well-earned reputation as an excellent place to live. I'm running for city council because I want to keep Espoo great for every resident in the future as well.

Things said about Martti

Martti on lahjakas nuori ehdokas, joka perehtyy huolellisesti asiakysymyksiin ja ilmaisee näkemyksensä vakuuttavasti. Valtuustoon tarvitaan myös nuorempia tulevaisuuden tekijöitä. Martilla on näkemys, kuinka hyödyntää kunnissa ja alueilla uutta teknologiaa.

Kimmo Sasi, henkilökuva
Kimmo Sasi
Entinen kansanedustaja ja ministeri

Martilla on järki kirkkaana ja katse tulevaisuudessa.

Antti Häkkänen, henkilökuva
Antti Häkkänen

Martti on poliitikkona suoraselkäinen ja rohkea, mutta samalla kuunteleva ja ratkaisukeskeinen. Martti uskaltaa tarttua hankaliinkin kysymyksiin ja pystyy perustelemaan kantansa uskottavasti.

Aatu Pulkkinen, henkilökuva
Aatu Pulkkinen
Toimitusjohtaja, KTM, väitöskirjatutkija
Martti Paldanius, nuori kokoomusnuori sinisessä puvussa parvekkeella kahvikuppi kädessään, mietteliäs ilme kaupunkimaisemaa katsellen

Says things straight, gets things done

Despite my young age, I have extensive experience in managing public affairs. My path as a decision-maker began when I was elected to the student council board in high school, which deepened my interest in societal matters. I joined the Young National Coalition Party in 2018.

Since then, I have served in various political positions both locally and nationally, including as a deputy member of the Tampere Audit Committee and in the Student Union Representative Council of the University of Eastern Finland. From 2022 to 2024, I have served on the federal board of the Youth of the National Coalition Party, and during 2025, I serve as the chairman of the Youth of the Uusimaa National Coalition Party.

Beyond politics, I have gained extensive experience in various business projects. Additionally, I work as a sole proprietor alongside my studies. In my view, working in a profit-responsible environment provides good foundations for politics. As an entrepreneur, I well understand the importance of businesses to Finnish society and want Espoo to provide the conditions for success for all types of businesses.

My values are freedom, responsibility, and patriotism. I support broad individual freedom but also emphasize the importance of individual responsibility. I consider myself a straightforward right-wing politician, and my campaign slogan "Says it straight, gets things done" reflects me well. I want to be an honest and effective decision-maker who bases decisions on researched information and facts.

Support my campaign financially!

For young candidates, success in municipal and regional elections requires exceptional vigor and support from those around them. If you wish, you can help my journey to the regional and city councils. Every support euro is needed for the successful implementation of my election campaign. I am humbly grateful for every donation received, regardless of the size of the donation.

The support received by a candidate is regulated by the law on candidate election funding. In my election campaign, the campaign support is collected by my election support association Oikeistolaisempi Suomi ry as defined by law. According to the election funding law, an individual supporter may donate up to 9000 euros to my campaign (6000 euros for regional elections + 3000 euros for municipal elections).

My election support association will submit the required election funding declaration after the elections, at which time the identity of those who donated more than 800 euros to the campaign will be disclosed as required by law. The names of donors contributing less than 800 euros will not be published without the donor's separate expression of will.

Recipient: Oikeistolaisempi Suomi ry

Collection valid: 14.11.2024 – 13.4.2025

Account number: FI69 7140 1420 0447 41

Message: Donor's name (this will only be published in the election funding declaration if the donation is 800 euros or more, or if the donor specifically requests it)

Join my support team

Elections are won together, and no campaign succeeds without help. Even a small contribution of work or financial support helps tremendously. If you want to participate in my campaign, write your contact information in the form below, and I will be in touch!

Martti Paldanius, nuori kokoomusnuori kävelee aurinkoisella kadulla sininen puvuntakki olalla, iloinen ilme kaupunkiympäristössä